
Welcome to my little life…

Becoming Virtuous and The next chapter — February 5, 2016

Becoming Virtuous and The next chapter

Sorry folks, I haven’t posted in a while, life has picked up pace a little and I’m finding I have less time to blog. In fact, I’m finding that I have less time to do anything, but that’s everyone in this fast paced society that is the American culture.  So I’m back for a post, and since I don’t know when I might get another 30 minutes or so to blog, I am going to include a lot in this post.

Becoming virtuous:

As I finished up my study of Proverbs 31, I am realizing how RARE this woman is today. Who is she? Where is she? And how can I be a little more like her? Through prayer, study, and a willingness to submit to God’s will, I think we can all become a little more virtuous, and no matter how many of the qualities you possess, there is always room for improvement.

So lets look at her:

She is loyal. She is a homemaker. She is HARD TO FIND, she is precious, she has inner beauty, she works with her hands, she is RIGHT WITH GOD, She abides in her home, she does her husband good, she is resting at night so she can wake early, she blesses her family, she LIVES BY LOVE.

This my friends is a true LADY. She is standing tall in her Lord and she is honorable. She takes care of what is entrusted to her and she lives for God. This is the lady I want to be. I’m not married, but that doesn’t mean I don’t already have a responsibility to take care of my home and my family. to be a Godly example to women, to show my siblings what its like to love and honor God.

My favorite part is the “Hard to find” section. You can look almost anywhere and find a woman that isn’t being who God wants her to be, who doesn’t follow God when he calls her, and who ignores what the bible tells us about being women of God, but when you look around, how many women do we see living modest lives, truly loving God, asking for forgiveness of their sins, and turning their lives around?

Im still learning more about Proverbs 31, and I hope that God reveals more to me. I found this little chart that I thought was interesting. I looked up the scriptures and its all right there, a perfect layout for how women should and more importantly should NOT live their lives.



The next chapter:

Turning 30…

I’m living out the last few days of my twenties, and unlike when I turned 25 ( total melt down that year), I am SO excited for the future. Sure, I am NO WHERE NEAR where I set out to be, but life isn’t ever going to go according to plan. I look back at the last 10 years and I am truly amazed and what has happened to me:

I’ve fallen in love. I’ve moved across the country by myself, I got on my very first airplane, I discovered I have an adventurous side, I have faced death, I have lost friends, I have gained new ones, I’ve smiled, I’ve cried, I’ve fallen down to the point I never thought there was a way up, And I have risen to the occasion, I have made mistakes, I have been selfish and insecure, I have stood up for people when they couldn’t stand for themselves, I have fallen out of love, I have hurt people I loved, I have mended fences, I have strayed so far from where I started, I have lost, I have won, I have cried again, I have lost my way with Christ, and I have found him again. I have laughed until I cried. I have lost battles but won wars, I have discovered myself. I have learned to be exactly who I am. I have decided that earthly things don’t matter. I have been kind. I have been giving. And I have been redeemed.

10 years can be summed up in this sentence ” I have lived”. I am so thankful for what life has taught me. I look forward to the next ten years of memories, laughs, pains, and whatever else God has in store for me. I am thankful for the experiences of the past 10, but I hope the next 10 are A LOT less dramatic. So here’s to 30, and the life that comes along with it, may the next chapter of my life be one of Godliness and Happiness.


Well, I think that’s just about all I have time for right now. I hope you find this rambling blog a little informative and very genuine.


Thanks for reading,

Peace and Love,

God Bless,

Holly Lynn ❤
